
As a financial service provider dedicated to helping communities prosper, we believe we have a collective responsibility to leave this planet in better shape than we found it.

Environment as a Pillar of Our CSR

Hence, we are constantly leveraging partnerships and collaborations to safeguard the environment for future generations.

Scientists warn that we all need to reduce the volume of greenhouse emission we are generating or risk accelerating climate change. We continuously make positive adjustments where required to mitigate our footprint on the environment. As an institution, we know that our actions have a significant impact on the societies where we are located, therefore we consciously try to play our part in securing a better, safer and more sustainable future.

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  • Featured
Year Ahead-Re-risking the financial system

Year Ahead 2020: Re-risking the financial system

Oil prices: In a global oil market threatened with over-supply, it appears that OPEC, and its ally Russia, are doing a good job of limiting production.